Purchasing and Installing CostGuard
Inventory Module
    First Time using CostGuard?
    Have you completed the Inventory Setup?
    Subsection - Setup Files
       How to Setup Inventory
       Vendors Setup
       SuperGroups Setup
       Groups Setup
       Location Setup
       Prep Station Setup
       Adjustments Setup
       Requisitions Setup
       Inventory Options Setup
    Do you need to track Inventory coming and going to different
    Entering Inventory Items
    Naming Items in Inventory
    Entering Inventory Items
    Saleable Items
    Suggested Units for Common Items
    Entering Inventory Items: Unit Tab
    Scoop Sizes and their Weight/Measure Equivalences
    How CostGuard Calculates Shrinkage and AP/EP Calculations
    Weight/Measure Relationships
    Enter an Inventory Item: Order Tab
    Spreadsheet Import Command: CG-XL
    Inventory Manager
    Inventory Manager: Explanation of Fields
    Editing an Inventory Item
    Inventory Copy Command
    Entering Counts: Starting the Process
    Entering Counts
    Edit/Delete Counts
    Entering Bids
    Entering Orders
    Shopping Cart
    More Shopping Cart Features
    Entering an Order by Vendor
    Entering Orders with the Fill Command
    Edit/Delete Orders
    Common Issues with Receipts
    Entering Requisitions
    Entering Adjustments
Recipe Module
Sales Module
Report Module
How to Get the Most out of CostGuard
Other Modules and Interfaces