Writing a Definition file

A number of POS Import Definition Files (*.POS) were included in the Filters directory when you installed CostGuard.  These files describe to CostGuard how it should interact with the various POS systems on the market. Almost all major POS filters are included. If a POS file was not included for your particular POS system, you can easily create one.  Do not modify any of the supplied files since they could be overwritten when you upgrade your software.

A POS file follows the standard Windows .INI file format conventions.  The only exception here is that it has a .POS file extension instead of the .INI file extension.

Each POS file must contain a FileSpec group ([FileSpec]) followed by the parameters which describe how the file is imported into CostGuard.  If you omit the FileSpec group, then the POS file will not work.

The following parameters are supported:

Description:  What the POS file is used for.  The Manufacturer and Model of your POS system will be shown here.

Type:  Describes the type of import file.  Valid types are "Delimited" or "Fixed".  If you omit this parameter, then the default is “Delimited”.  This parameter must be typed exactly as shown from the POS system.

DelimitChar:  Specifies the character that is used to delimit the fields in a Delimited file.  This only applies to Delimited files and defaults to a comma (,) if not specified.

QuoteChar:  Specifies the character that is used in a Delimited file to surround text type fields.  This only applies to Delimited files and defaults to a double-quote (“) if not specified.

PLU:  If the type of import file is delimited, then this value identifies which field (starting with 0) is the PLU field.  If the type of import file is fixed length, then this value will be x,y where x equals the Starting Position of the PLU field in the record and y equals the length of the PLU field.  Unlike field numbers, column positions start with 1, not 0.

Sold:  If the type of import file is delimited, then this value identifies which field (starting with 0) is the Sold Quantity field. If the type of import file is fixed length, then this value will be x,y where x equals the Starting Position of the Sold Quantity field in the record and y equals the length of the Sold Quantity field.

TopLinesToIgnore: Many files that you will be importing contain header lines that should be ignored.  Specify how many lines to ignore with the TopLinesToIgnore parameter.

IgnoreLinesStartingWith:  Ignore lines which start with some value.  If you don’t specify a value here or if you leave this parameter blank then the value defaults to '' (empty string).  The value specified here is case sensitive.

IncludeOnlyLinesStartingWith: Includes only those lines which start with a certain value.  Typically, you will use either IgnoreLinesStartingWith or IncludeOnlyLinesStartingWith parameters but not both.  The value specified here is case sensitive.

Comments: You can place comment lines anywhere in the .POS file by starting the comment line with a “;”.   The computer will not execute comment lines – use them as notations to mark what you did. This will help you identify the file and its parameters more clearly if you ever need to make changes.


An example of the .POS file for the Micros 8700 file is shown below:


Description=Micros 8700





This POS Import Definition says:

For the Micros 8700 POS Comma Delimited import file, retrieve the PLU number from field #0 (remember, the field numbers start with 0).  Retrieve the Quantity Sold from field #1.

If the fields in this file were delimited with a “|” instead of a “,”, then we could add the following line to the .POS file:



An example of the .POS file for the Sable POS system is shown below:


Description=SABLE POS Import





This POS Import file says:

For the SABLE POS Import Fixed Length import file, retrieve the PLU starting at character 21 in the file and continuing for 4 characters.  Retrieve the Quantity Sold starting at character 52 and continuing for 6 characters.

When finished, click here to go back to Setup Options.