Scaling or Converting Ingredient Quantities

Hate Math, especially those formulas asking “how many cups are in a gallon”? CostGuard can scale or convert ingredient quantities at any time.  You can scale Serving, Prep, Menu, Prep Build, and Food List recipes.  Use this to:

·         Convert a recipe for 25 servings to 350 servings

·         Convert 1 gallon of soup to 10 gallons of soup

·         Convert a banquet menu from 100 guests to 250 guests

Before you can convert a recipe, it must be entered into CostGuard.  If you would like more information on entering recipes, click here.


To convert a recipe

1.      Click Recipe, click Recipe Manager.  

2.      Using the mouse, or the search function, find the recipe that you want to convert.  Make sure that the yellow arrow is in the box to the left of the name.  Click Edit.

3.      Click the Ingredient tab.  Click on the Convert button  at the bottom of the screen.  A popup menu will appear.  Type in the new yield.  Click OK

Notice that the portion is the same as the main tab for this recipe. Type in quantity and the word will move over; you don’t need a space, but be sure not to overwrite the unit A separate part of the business with its own sales and costs. that appears.

4.      CostGuard will immediately calculate new ingredient quantities for this recipe.

Since SmartScaling converts between units, you never see 48 tsp; it’s converted to 1 cup automatically. For information about how CostGuard converts between units, click here

5.      If needed, print the scaled recipe for use.  You may also generate a requisition for the new quantities.

For more information on creating requisitions from a recipe, click here

6.      When exiting the Recipe, the Save Changes popup will appear.  If you click yes, the new yield will be saved.  If you click no, the original yield will be saved.  Cancel will return you to the Recipe.

Generally, it is best to keep the recipe in its original portion amount.  Note that because of rounding, scaling up and down may result in changes to the recipe. Also, when converting, if you use a decimal point in the original quantity, CostGuard converts to decimals. If you don’t use a decimal point, CostGuard will convert to fractions.