Recipe Names

Since CostGuard has five different types of recipes, naming recipes may become a challenge.  The Recipe Manager screen shows the Recipe Name and Type.  The Search Function will only look in the first word of the name, while the Filter command will only find certain types or categories.  Creating rules for Names will help you find recipes faster.

For Prep Recipes: Follow your Inventory Item Naming plans.  For more information on Naming Inventory Items, click here

For Menu Recipe Types:  If you are a restaurant with the same menu items each day, simply name your menus by meal times.  For Catering menus, have the event name or the requisition name as the menu name.  Follow the tip listed on the side for cycle menus.

For Serving Recipes: Since the filter command will sort out all serving recipes, you may want the first word to be the description of the item, such as “sandwich” or the main ingredient such as “Chicken” for easy searches.  If you have two recipes, one a prep recipe such as “brownie” and the other a serving recipe such as “brownie, serving”, make sure the word serving is in the title to find it quickly.

If you have a serving recipe with different yields for easy access by cooks, then save under two different names.  If you have a recipe called “Chicken Alfredo” which is a menu item in your restaurant, and it serves one portion.  You can have the same recipe saved as “Chicken Alfredo Banquets” with a yield of 100 servings.  The word “Banquets” would indicate that the recipes are for two different purposes.