Printing Recipes

There are several different ways you can print recipes.  The three most popular ways are below.

1.      The fastest way to print is to click the Printer Icon  from any Tab while you are in a Recipe.

A pop-up box will appear asking if you wish to print pricing information.  Click Yes or No depending on your preferences.

The next screen shows the Print Preview of the Recipe.  Click the button to send the recipe to your printer.

2.      If it is a Recipe that includes other recipes, click the Ingredient Tab.  Move the cursor to the Recipe Tree and right click.  Highlight the Print Linked Recipe and double click.

When you do this, the main recipe and the component recipes will print.  For more information on Recipe Tree and its features, click here

3.      If you need to print a group of related recipes, such as all sauce recipes, use the Recipe Manager to print them.

 Use the filter command to select certain recipes or groups of recipes.  Make sure the box to the left of the recipe name has a check mark and click the  Print icon.  This feature will also let you print a Recipe book with all of your Recipes.