
Do you have a collection of cookbooks or recipe cards in your office that you use on a regular basis?  CostGuard has a handy feature, Bibliography, to reference the recipes in your collection without having to type in everything.  This makes it easy to add new recipes without extensive typing.

If you have USDA or chain generated recipes, use the source field to track them.  The author field can substitute for the reference number.  If you are a medical facility, use the source, author, and creator field to reference dietetic substitutions: such as methods to create low-sodium, low-fat, or soft recipes.

Click Recipes, click Bibliography

1.      To add a new Bibliography, click  to activate the fields.  Use the mouse to move to the name field, and type in the name of the recipe.

Reference a recipe by using the same name in the Bibliography.  When you create the actual recipe in CostGuard, to track the Inventory Items and use the Conversion features, use the Method Tab to refer back to the Bibliography reference.

2.      Fill in the remaining fields:

Description: a brief description or your menu description of the item.

Source: the book, magazine, webpage, or menu card name.

Prep: the amount of time it takes to make this recipe.

Author: the author of the book, article, or owner of the webpage.

Date: Use this field to indicate the date of the article, or the revision date of chain or USDA recipes.  Use a / to separate months and years.

Creator: Name of person who created the recipe, or use to track the source.

Pages: the page in the book or magazine with the recipe.

Yield: the yield of the recipe.  Use the  to access the unit A separate part of the business with its own sales and costs. pop-up menu.

Edition and Volume: if the recipe is from a cookbook series or from a magazine article, use these fields to track the volume and edition.

Comments: make any comments that are needed for this recipe such as prep hints, or where the book in located in the building.

3.      Click on the Categories Tab.  The same Categories that you created earlier will appear.  Move all applicable categories from the right side to the left side as needed.

For more information on creating Categories, click here

4.      When finished, click the Main Tab.  Click the  to save the reference.

To edit a Bibliography, simply open it, make the changes and click the   button to save.

5.      To find Bibliography references, use the search box or the scroll bar to find it.  You can print Bibliographies whenever you want. 

Click the  icon to print the Bibliography.