Window Menu

You can open multiple windows in CostGuard and see all needed information at once.  You can resize and rearrange the windows as needed.  To move between the windows, click the bar at the bottom or use Ctrl-Tab to move between them.

1.      For other options to rearrange your screens, click Window.


Tile: all windows will appear on the screen.  If you have more than two windows open, the details on each window may be limited.

Arrange: will “unhook” the windows.  Right click the blue window bar, hold it, and move the window to a new location.

Cascade:  All windows will re-size to two-thirds screen.  The title bar will appear.  You can toggle between the windows as needed.

Close All: closes all windows.  You will be prompted to save data before each window closes.

Maximize All: Maximizes all windows.  You will have to minimize to move to the next window.

Minimize All: minimizes all windows.