Show Tool Bar

The CostGuard Tool Bar appears right below the menus.  You can click any Icon to start a transaction or module.

To turn the Tool Bar On or off, click Configuration, click Tool Bar.   If an Icon is dimmed, then it is not available in the section you are working in.

The Icons are


Inventory Manager: opens the Inventory Manager.


Inventory Counts: opens the Inventory Counts window.

Shopping Cart:  opens the Shopping Cart screen.


Recipe: opens the Recipe Manager.


Sales: opens the Sales Mix window.


Print: prints a report based on the current screen.  If you are in Inventory Manager and you click this shortcut, an inventory related listing will print.  If you are in Recipe Manager, then a recipe related listing will print.


Suspend Transaction: suspends the current transaction.  This shortcut will only be available while you are working with a transaction such as receipts, or sales mix.


Save Transaction: saves the current transaction. 


Cancel Transaction: Cancel the current transaction.


Fill in Transaction Records: fills in the detail records with past information, or other details related to this area.  This will save you time instead of typing in each item for a transaction.  Details on what is filled in are discussed in the different tutorials.


Clear Transaction Records: clears out the detail lines on the current transaction. 


Zero Transaction Values: This sets the values in the detail records for a transaction to “0”. This feature is handy for updating pricing without having to receive data.  Further details on this command are in the tutorials.


Blank Transaction Values: blanks out values in the number fields of the detail records for a transaction.  This is different from Zero Transaction Values as nothing is in the field, and you can now enter in other information.  What becomes blank varies from transaction to transaction. 


Set Filter: displays a filter selection appropriate for the current window. Filters allow you to sort the data, or search for certain conditions. If you are in Recipe Manager when you click this button, the Recipe Filter screen is displayed.  If you are in Inventory Manager, then the Inventory Filter is displayed.


Clear Filter & Show All: clears any filter for the active window and displays all available items.


Switch Unit A separate part of the business with its own sales and costs. / Login as Different User: logs you out of the current unit and displays the login screen so you can login to another unit or login as a different user. You must close all screens first.


Calculator: displays the CostGuard Calculator.


Help: displays the on-line help system.