Reindex Data

Save your work, and close all windows in CostGuard.

If the Reindex Utility does not appear automatically, or if you wish to run it, then

1.      Click Tools, click Reindex Unit A separate part of the business with its own sales and costs.


2.      The main program will close.  Select the Unit to reindex by clicking the  button.  Highlight it and hit enter. 

3.      You can reindex either all files or just the system files.  Follow the directions from the prompt and reindex what it indicated.

To reindex just the system files, check the box in front of System files only.  Generally, you should leave this box un-checked unless instructed otherwise.

4.      When the Reindex is finished, a pop-up menu will appear.  Click yes to resume running CostGuard, click no to exit. 

If you click yes, you will return to the main CostGuard screen.