Using the CostGuard Help

Do you have a question?  Then you are in the right place.  CostGuard has several different ways to access the Help and Tutorial Menus.  All screens have a Help button at the bottom of the screen.  When you click on it, it will tell you about the current screen .

This screen is the main Help screen.  To get to the Tutorials, click Help, then CostGuard Tutorial to bring up the Tutorials for the programs.  Tutorials will go into detail about each transaction, page, and topic, showing you what you can do, how to do it and what it is used for.  Use the Tutorials for detailed information on key operations and subjects.

The Help Menu is a quick overview of the different topics.  You can click on the Contents tab and scroll down until you find what you are looking for.  Click on the book icons to expand that folder and show more choices.  You can also click the Search Tab and type in some keywords.  Since the index is geared towards foodservice managers, operators, owners, and bookkeepers, we tried to include all possible keywords for the topics.  You can also use quote marks (“), to narrow down phrases.  You can use AND, OR, and NOT in the search terms to find what you are looking for.